To help our clients avoid costly ones

Who we help Get Your Money Back
Why We’re Different

While many private investigators are considered to be intelligent and crafty, they can also be secretive, sleuthy, unreliable and stuck in the dark ages. If you don’t believe us, you can check out the public perception of a private investigator.
Some investigators like to perpetuate the “cloak and dagger” image with their secret sources, inside intelligence and years of law enforcement experience.
We are not one of them….

Who We Help
When to Contact Us

  • I need to locate a difficult-to-find individual, relative or associate
  • I need to gather intelligence against a legal adversary
  • I need assistance in locating witnesses and conducting interviews
  • I need a background check on a C-level executive, not just a run-of-the-mill background check
  • I need to determine if it’s worthwhile to file a lawsuit
  • I need to make sure my potential business partners don’t have any skeletons
  • I have lost some money or cryptocurrency online to impostors
How We Are Different

Some investigators like to perpetuate the “cloak and dagger” image with their secret sources, inside intelligence and years of law enforcement experience.
We are not one of them. There are no cloaks and daggers here. We’ve built an investigative firm based on transparency, openness and simply doing great work. Here’s why we are different:

Sound like the kind of investigative agency you’re looking for?

Our regular clientele includes national and international law firms, financial institutions as well as private individuals.

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People don’t come to us for off-the shelf ideas. We help you find legal and ethical solutions to your specific problems.

Dig Deep

If you can find something easily on Google, you probably don’t need to hire us. We know where to look and we dig deep to find what we need.


We don’t use illegal or unethical methods of obtaining information. If you need someone else’s bank accounts information, phone records, emails or medical records, you are wasting your time with us.


Our approach is simple and transparent. We use open sources, public records and thoughtful and creative investigative techniques to get answers.


We have invested tremendous effort in educating you, the client, so you can be your own amateur P.I. But when it comes to needing a professional, we are always available.


If we can’t help you, we’ll tell you, or help you find someone who is better suited. We are not in the business of making promises we can’t live up to.


We don’t just rely on 21st century technology, we use old school “gumshoe” techniques and the most important tool around: our brain.


We have a tenacious appetite to get answers and we are committed to helping our clients.

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